Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Laennec Injectible Human Placenta From: Japan
LAENNEC PLACENTA by Japan Bio Products (JBP) Co.
10 ampules of 2ml per tray

Detailed Product Description:

The Most Effective Whitening , Anti Aging for glowing and Flawless Skin. There's is no other than Human Placenta extract for skin rejuvenation to cancer and even other ailments. Results are Fantastic and guaranteed.

Human Placenta Extract - is a very safe and effective treatment for a variety of ailments as well as being quite useful in an anti-aging program. We would also like to emphasize that the Japanese Ministry of Health and Labor has acknowledged human placenta treatment as safe and effective with no serious side effects. The list of potential treatments is quite impressive with patients of skin conditions, menopause, andropause (male menopause), anti-aging (youthful rejuvenation), liver problems, cardiovascular problems, asthma, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, depression, Meniere`s disease,tinnitus, and vertigo all benefiting from this intensive treatment. In addition Hormone Balancing, Good Blood Circulation ,Anti Bodies ,Collagen productivity, Hay fever, Allergy, Psoriasis and Acne.

Must be administered by a licensed physician three times a week for 1 month, Total of 24 vials to be used for optimal results.

For ORDERS AND INQUIRIES text or call 09161141647 or email at sofiahfairnessbeauty@yahoo.com

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