Sunday, August 22, 2010



Tired of your glutathione IV that is not working? Try Reiki glutathione IV/IM. Find why it is the best in the market?

REIKI GLUTATHIONE originates in Japan, the makers of purest glutathione. Have you ever notice why Filipinas worked in Japan has younger, whiter and more beautiful skin when they get back? It is because they use glutathione.

Reiki glutathione is named after who discover glutathione Dr. Reiki. From the name itself Reiki which means sacred energy, Reiki glutathione occured.

Reiki Glutathione is 100% pure and natural reduced glutathione. Reduced glutathione is the only form of glutathione that has side effect of whitening. It is also 100% lyophilized. Reiki glutathione is stable even closer to expiration.Other brands reduced its effectiveness when closer to epiration. It undergo nano-processed technology to make it more absorbable to the cellular level. Thus it makes 5 to 8 times more effective.

It is also the only glutathione that is suitable for nebulization. For people who are smokers or with lung diseases (except asthma) nebulization is more effective route of administration to increase surfactant in the lungs, to prevent cancer and to detoxify lung toxins. For whitening and anti-aging, reiki is 5 to 8 times faster. Assay test results reveals 98%. (2% is loss due to testing procedures.

For orders and inquiries call or text 09161141647 or email at

Tuesday, August 17, 2010



~ this is a sublingual glutathione spray which is more effective and absorbent than oral glutathione tablets
this is sprayed under the tongue (ask your relatives who have high blood which among their medication to bring down their blood pressure is most effective and they will tell you its the medication that they put under the tongue because when the tablet melts within seconds under the tongue, the medication also takes effect within seconds and brings down their blood pressure quickly)

Benefit of WhiteLight Glutathione spray

its administered under the tongue for rapid absorption by the cells compared to tablets. Research shows better absorbancy with the sublingual spary. (Molecules of tablets are too large to pass through cell membrane.)

the full dose of the L-Glutathione is absorbed by the body; nothing wasted (oral tablets are destroyed by stomache acid so even if you take 1000mg of glutathione, by the time it reaches the upper intestine where the glutathione can be absorbed, its potency will be reduced to a fraction. If you want to take tablet form, make sure its enteric coated)
since this is a spray, this will make it easier to administer this to children and others who have a heard time swallowing tablets
no side effect! (Glutathione is a substane naturally produced by the body; however, as we age or due to sickness, the glutathione we have in our system is compromised. This is so safe - because its inherent in our system - that even pregnant women and young children can take glutathione.)
in the Philippines, Glutathione is popularly known to effectively whiten the skin. Skin whitening is in fact the side effect of glutathione =). Ara Mina only endorsed this product after she saw that her skin became better and her freckles diminished on using Whitelight. For those who are after rosy white skin, don't waste your money on whitening soap and lotions as you need something on a cellular level to sustain your new found whiteness!

what more people should know is that Glutathione is a potent anti-oxidant that not only slows the aging process of the body
Glutathione strengthens the immune system. It is in fact prescribed to those with compromised immune system, those with low white blood (my mom's doctor prescribed Glutathione for her low blood count and to boost her immune system; and yes, her skin whitened because of continued use!) and those with cancer.
Because its anti-oxidant properties improves heart, lung, and immune function, its useful in treating many diseases not just cancer but also heart disease, anemia, diabetes, reducing blood pressure, asthma, allergies, etc.

Glutathione boost energy levels that its also used by athlethes to increase their performance and stamina.

Glutathione is a powerful detox tool that removes toxins at the cellular level. This is why its prescribed to children with autism and ADHD. It can remove not just heavy metals like mercury but also chemical toxincants and other impurities. Improvements in calmness, focus, eye contact, languange, expressive language and social interactions have been documented with autistic/adhd children. (However, while majority of children respond well to Glutathione, please do note that some children have high cysteine levels -precursor of glutathione - and should not be given more glutathione as it will increase their strimming and hyperactivity, and obsessive compulsive behavior. In this case, other means of detox is advised.)
Glutathione also improves our mental function and concentration.

Glutathione protects the body stopping free radicals which harm the body and prevents toxins from entering our system.
Glutathione aids liver support which makes it really good for people undergoing dialysis and those with liver problem.
Glutathione also increases sperm count so its good for couples with male infertility problem.
Pregnant women can take this to strengthen their immune system. I wouldn't recommend this to pregnant women if their sole reason is to have or maintain their fair skin. Hormonal imbalance during pregnancy sometimes affect the color of our skin and make certain parts of our body darker. Let's not fight this hormonal "chaos" during pregnancy ladies. It's the price we have to pay for carrying our child. The darkening is temporary anyway. =)

Whitelight already contains Vitamin C for better glutathione absorbancy.

How to administer: spray under the tongue and let it sit for 20 seconds (or more if you can) before swallowing
made in Germany
50ml spray bottle containing 2500mg of L-Glutathione and 1000mg of Vitamin C
Bottle contains 360 puffs/sprays; each puff delivers 7.5mg of L-Glutathione
A bottle will last for one to two month depending on usage.
For whitening, the recommended dose of 3 puffs every 4 hours (or 4x a day) - bottle is good for one month supply. For health benefits (immune booster, etc) and for maintenance of desired skin color, 2 puffs 3x a day - bottle good for 2 months

For those after the whitening effect, you will see result in two weeks to two months time (this will depend on the color of your skin).

For ORDERS AND INQUIRIES text or call 09161141647 or email at

South Beach Skin Lightening Solutions

Do you suffer from embarrassing dark or discolored intimate areas?
Millions of women (and men) do! We all want to look our best. Especially in the most intimate areas of our bodies! Now you can with South Beach Skin Solutions™. Don't be fooled by imitators. Trust the original innovators! Ours is the original all-natural product created specifically for use in intimate areas with years of proven results. Our advanced formulas are all-natural and do NOT contain harsh chemicals such as Hydroquinone or Kojic Acid found in other lighteners! Instead, we feature gentle lightening agents that won't irritate or have dangerous side effects. Trusted in hundreds of salons, spas and other professional outlets around the world.

SBSS Lightening Gel for Sensitive Areas (All Natural)

Perfect for use on:
Both Men and Women, ALL SKIN TYPES (including Latin, African, Indian and Asian)!!!
All Skin, Especially the Bikini (Anal & Genital) Areas
Breasts, Nipples, Underarms, Faces, Elbows, Knees, Age Spots
Other Skin Discolorations Including Burn Marks and Scars
Absorbs Quickly and Dries Cleanly in Seconds! No Oily or Sticky Feeling!
No Hydroquinone or Kojic Acid
No Alcohol, Fragrances, Dyes, Parabens or other Potential Irritants

Southbeach Skin lightening Lotion
Perfect for use on:
Both Men and Women, ALL SKIN TYPES (including Latin, African, Indian and Asian)!!!
For Use as an All Over Skin Lightener
Rich, Moisturizing Lotion for a Luxurious Feel
No Hydroquinone or Kojic Acid
No Alcohol, Fragrances, Dyes, Parabens or other Potential Irritants

South Beach Skin Solutions™ Skin Lightening Body Milk is the ultimate safe, gentle and effective natural lightening for larger areas of the body. Unlike cheap drug store skin lighteners or bogus imitators, our specially-formulated Skin Lightening Body Milk is very gentle and does not contain any potentially harmful or irritating chemicals such as Kojic Acid or Hydroquinone.

The highly-advanced, all-natural ingredients are designed to gently and effectively lighten dark pigmented areas by blending them with your own natural skin tone providing you with a fresher, more youthful look. So gentle you can use right in the comfort of your own home with complete confidence and safety!

I Want My Skin to Be Lighter. Am I Weird?
NO! Many people with dark skin want to be lighter. It is just that people didn't talk about it. Until now! Our Skin Lightening Body Milk can help you safely and naturally lighten the overal tone of you skin to its lighter shades.

Who Should Use?
Any man or woman who wants to enhance their look can use our product in the comfort of their home. Works with all skin types!

How It Works -- the Most Advanced Skin Lightener of its Kind
Our revolutionary product is unlike anything else on the market. Most cheap drug store skin lighteners use harsh chemicals to "bleach" the top layer of skin. These products can burn you and any result will quickly slough off and expose the darker skin below.

Our formula uses a unique approach to produce the safest, fastest and most effective results. First, our Gel gently exfoliates the skin to prepare it. Then, it delivers a blend of natural de-pigmentation and whitening agents deep into the layers of the skin. These gently lighten the skin and reduce the activity of Tyrosinase (the enzyme responsible for darkening) in the skin. Gentle soothing agents moisturize to protect. As new skin comes to the surface, you see a lighter skin tone that blends with your natural skin tone. Continued use maintains the look as desired.

It is our mission to provide safe, gentle and effective products that will not irritate sensitive skin. Therefore, we only use gentle, natural ingredients to create products that are hypo-allergenic, non-comedogenic, and contain no alcohol, fragrances, dyes or parabens. Our ingredients are:

Water (Aqua), Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil, Glycerin, Emulsifying Wax, Zinc Oxide, Manihot Utilissima Starch, Lonicera Caprifolium Flower Extract, Pyrus Malus Fruit Extract, Saccharum Officinarum Extract, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Primula Veris Extract, Alchemilla Vulgaris Leaf Extract, Arctostaphylos Uva Ursi Leaf Extract, Malva Sylvestris Extract, Glycyrrhiza Glabra Root Extract, Phenoxyethanol, Veronica Officinalis Leaf Extract, Passiflora Edulis Fruit Oil.

For best results, use twice a day (morning and evening). Wash as normal. Allow skin to dry. Apply a generous amount directly to the desired area by gently rubbing in a circular motion until completely absorbed into the skin. No gloves or brushes needed. Allow to dry completely before applying any other products. Continued use maintains the look as desired.

External use only. Not intended for use by pregnant or breast feeding women.

Most people will see results within 2-3 weeks. However, each individual is different and the length of time for results may vary depending on the cause and severity of the discoloration. The frequency of maintenance will depend on the individual. A little goes a long way. Each concentrated 6 oz / 180 ml tube should last 1-2 months depending on the amount used to cover the desired area.

For orders and inquiries kindly send me a message or mail me at For faster transactions you can reach me at 09161141647.


1g/5ml L-Carnitine / 5ampoules


LEFCAR L-CARNITINE ~ fastest, easiest and safest way to reduce weight ~

Description of LEFCAR L-CARNITINE:

L-Carnitine belongs to the group named Amino Acid. Our body produces it to maintain basic metabolism. It is important in transporting fatty acids from outside the cells into the cells, for burning in Mitochorndria and releasing energy. Some sportmans using this L-carnitine to enhance their performance and tone up their muscles.

Benefits of L-Carnitine:

* Ultilization of energy - Fatty acids are transported more into the cells for burning. Energy yield and you can lose more weight by exercising.
* Balanced Cholesterol level - Because the fatty acids are being used up for burning, thus our cholesterol level will be balanced up by increasing the HDL and lowering LDL.
* Healthy Heart - Because the cholesterol level is in controled, so the risk at which arterioscleriosis will be minimised. If a person who has exposed to arterioscleriosis and aged, he will definately facing the risk of heart attack because the heart is using alot of energy to pump blood through narrow vessels.
* Muscle building - For people who work out in gym, they will use L-carnitine for toning up the musles. When fatty acids are transported and burned in mitochorndria, those fat tissue will getting lesser and more muscle is built by exercising.

Supplement Facts of LEFCAR L-CARNITINE:
Seving Size 1gram/ 5ml L-Carnitine
Servings per container 5 ampoules per box

L-Carnitine injection is recommended at 1 ampoule every 2 days for best result. However, you may reduce the dosage with the advice of doctor. The L-carnitine is taken intravenously either by normal injection or using a buttlefly needle. After taking this L-carnitine, you can carry out exercise around 15-20 minutes daily.

Manufactured by:
GlaxoSmithKline S.p.A
Rome, Italy
Certified authentic, or get your money back!. Guaranteed new and fresh from

For ORDERS AND INQUIRIES text or call 09161141647 or email at

Placenta Lucchini

Placenta Lucchini from Switzerland
PLACENTA LUCCHINI-is a water soluble placenta, unlike other placenta this could not increase your cholesterol level. PLACENTA+COLLAGEN+CERAMIDE (BREAKTHROUGH IN ANTI-WRINKLE!)

Main Ingredients:
Physiology Activation Substance Carbohydrate, Nucleic Acid, Growth Factor, Amino Acids, Growth Factor, Amino Acids, Hydrolysed Collage, concentrated Bio-protein, Enzyme and hormone that are refined from healthy Human Placenta.

Extensin N-200 (Hydrolysed Collagen)
Extensin N-200 is a collagen extracted from Carrot. This replenishesskin collagen and is 3 to 4 times more Serine than animal collagen that plays an important role as a natural moisturizing factor and this produces Retinal, Vitamin A.

This is a Lipid between cells forming cormeum, fortifies defense organism of the outer skin, normalizes of keratin layers and restructures cell matrix.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, stimulates blood circulation, prevents pigmentation and fortifies skin's elasticity to keep the skin youg and prevents skin damages from strong sunlight.

EGF (Epithelial Growth Factor)
Renews skin cell and stimulate ski growth to prevent or ease pigmentation . Also contains trace elements that are good for allergy and atopic dermatitis and therefore suitable for sensitive skin.

Amino Acids
It also contains 15 natural Amno Acids which are essential for growth because our body canot syntesize them. It eliminates sebum hiding deep in the inner skin causng acne and provides comfortable and fresh skin.

Vitamins and Minerals

Placenta also contains trace elements for vitamins and minerals as and added supplement for our body.

Indication and Treatment for Placenta Lucchini
Youth and Beauty

Epidermal problems such as elimination of wrinkles, acnes, eye-bags and dull skin, provides stimulating effect on cell renewal of the epidermis, by promoting formulation of new blood vssels and nerves thus leading to improve cell respirations.

Blood and Hormones

Balances hormones especially women approaching menopause, regulates mestrual periods and eases pains as an alternative treatment to Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)


Treats infertility and sterility, improves recovery after giving birth. At the same time it improves sperm production for men and also treats impotence.

Skin and Tissue Damage

Slimulates skin growth, regeneration and accelerate repair of aging and injured muscle, skin collagen, both cartlage and nerve issue.

Nervous System

regulate autonomic nervous system and treat inflammatory nerves

General Health

Treat premature aging and wear of major organ, as well as asthma, gastrointestinal disorder , rheumatoid arthritis, promote tissue respiration and fatigue.

Administration of Placenta Lucchini

Placenta lucchni can be administered intamuscularly (IM) once a day for a period of 50 days.

Alternatively, 2 ampoules of Placenta Lucchini can be administered concomitantly on a two days's cycle.


Shelf Life (Expiration)

The preparation should not be uses after the date marked "EXP" on the pack.

Special Precaution for Storage:

Keep in the orignal package (to protect from moisture), do not store above 30oC

Note: Should be Kept ot of reach of children.

*Placenta Lucchini is also best for women who are taking contraceptive pills because it fights the bad effects of the contraceptive pills. This will not increase your estrogen level but rather normalizes it. Also check Hormone Replacement Therapy advantages.

Text or call 09161141647

Glutathione (Taiyo) Injectable 200mg made in Japan

Glutathione (Taiyo) Injectable 200mg made in Japan
Glutathione Injectable 200mg made in Japan
Better than any other brand

JAPAN is best known when it comes to whitening Product.

We are introducing the Original Glutathione Injectable 200mg made in Japan, which, is derived from the very first glutathione that have been out in the market for whitening and flawless skin wayback 16 years ago used by most celebrities.

It improves pigmentation of the skin and expunge unwanted marks on the skin such as melasma, scars, scars due to improper chemical peel and post chicken pox. It helps the skin to achieve a smoother and even color flawless white results. It is a super anti-oxidant and have the ability to clean the liver thus, enhances the liver function. It also helps fight diseases of the eye such as disorder of eyeball tissues, cornea, cataract and optic nerve.

Packaging : 100 Ampoules / Box
10 ampoules per tray

Text or call +639161141647


Plagen Placenta from Korea

Plagen Placenta from KOREA


Made by Kyung Nam Pharma
1 tray contains 10 ampoules

1 box contains 50 ampoules

Plagen is the Most Effective whitening and Anti-Aging product for younger looking, glowing, flawless skin from Korea.

Placenta extract is a very safe and effective treatment for a variety of ailments as well as being quite useful in an anti-aging program.

Human Placenta Extract - is a very safe and effective treatment for a variety of ailments as well as being quite useful in an anti-aging program. We would also like to emphasize that the Japanese Ministry of Health and Labor has acknowledged human placenta treatment as safe and effective with no serious side effects.

Indications of PLACENTA:

◦Internal medicine - hepatitis (viral type, alcoholic type), cirrhosis, pancreatitis, chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, dyspepsia, duodenal ulcer, chronic ulcerative colitis,diabetes, high and low blood pressure, asthma, chronic bronchitis, anemia, chronic fatigue, constipation, etc.
◦Gynaecology -menopausal disorders, algomenorrhea, irregular menses, lactation disorders, hyperprolactinemia, etc.
◦Dermatology -atopic dermatitis, eczema, dryness, body odor, flecks, freckles, wrinkles, sagging, acne, pimples, etc.
◦Surgery -arthritis rheumatoid, arthrosis deformans, arthritis, neuralgic pain, back pain, frozen shoulder, recovery from surgery, etc.
◦Urology -prostate-gland enlargement, cystitis, haemorrhoids, etc.
◦Ophthalmology - corneal inflammation, allergic conjunctivitis, decreased vision, cataract, etc.
◦Neuropsychiatry -depression, nervous breakdown, insomnia, etc.
◦Otorhinolaryngology -allergic coryza, Meniere’s disease, hay fever, etc. Dentistry -alveolar pyorrhea, gum disease, etc.
◦Others -recuperation during and after sickness and surgery, hair loss, preventive medicine, etc.

For ORDERS AND INQUIRIES text or call 09161141647 or email at

Gluthatione GERMED Italy 600mg /4ml (formerly PLIVA)

Gluthatione GERMED Italy 600mg /4ml (formerly PLIVA)

Certified By Italian Health Ministry

Direct From Italy Supplier
New In The Market
Proven Safe and Effective Than the Leading Brands

For ORDERS AND INQUIRIES text or call 09161141647 or email at


Laroscorbine Platinium by Roche Italy
10 ampoules of

VITAMIN C - 1gm with COLLAGEN 350mg

~ For that ageless firm and luminous white skin ~

Best with Saluta or Tationil

Laroscorbine Platinum by Roche Italy

(Vitamin C and Collagen)

Flaunt your ROSY and LUMINOUS white skin

1 box of Laroscorbine vitamin c + collagen contains 10 x 1g/5ml vitamin c and 0.35mg collagen.


* The basic function of Vitamin C
* Collagen is a fibrous protein, important in supporting tissues, skin, organ, tendons, ligaments and etc.
* As replenishment where collagen reduces when aged
* Reduces fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation and minor scars
* Maintains the production of cartilage and joints
* Improve elasticity of skin, makes more supple and moisture

I.V. (intravenous)

Recommended 1 ampoule weekly for the first box and 1 ampoule every 2 weeks for the second box.

Manufactured by:
ROCHE Laboratories Nicholas S.A.

Certified authentic, or get your money back!. Guaranteed new and fresh from Roche Italy

For ORDERS AND INQUIRIES text or call 09161141647 or email at


One of the PIONEERING and one of the most PREMIUM glutathione brands available. Celebrity’s Secret!!!!

90 tablets in blister packs


Recommended by Dermatologist ... Prescribed by Calayan Surgicenter

Product Facts:
• The brand that popularized glutathione and the brand that celebrities
actually use
• Proven to be 5 times better than any glutathione brand
• A lot of people swear by its effectiveness
• Preferred and recommended by most dermatologists. Sold at a much
higher price in popular dermatological clinics in the Philippines
• Contains pure and reduced glutathione making it easily absorbed by the
• Continuous use will give excellent results!

Glutathione Benefits
• Noticeable White Glowing Skin
• Improves pigmentation of the skin such as melasma, scars, improper
chemical peel and post chicken pox.
• It helps the skin look smoother and achieve even color.
• Gives a rosy white glow
• Delays aging
• Detoxifies the liver

Supplement Facts:
100 mg of pure and reduced glutathione

Take 3 tablets per day taken in 3 divided doses. 1 tablet after meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner). Should be taken with vitamin C to boost Glutathione Level. Reduce to twice a day there after. Maintain 1 tablet a day with same dose of Vitamin C until you reach your desired color

Manufactured by:
Kyorin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
5 Kandasurugadai 2-Chome
Chiyoda-Ku 101-8311, Tokyo 101-8311

For orders and inquiries call or text 09161141647 or email at

Mosbeau Glutawhite Gold

Intensive Whitening, Anti-aging & Cell renewal
Get a noticeably white skin and bloom into a radiant, flawless you with the complete effective skin whitening formula!
Be overwhelmed with complements and attention as your skin evolves from being white to flawless, glowing and strikingly fairer with Mosbeau Glutawhite Gold - the first-ever skin whitening supplement with 10 active ingredients. An all-in-one skin whitening supplement that gives skin a fairer complexion, reverses aging process and detoxifies the entire body. Enhanced with the 4 latest ingredients in skin whitening, anti-aging and detoxifying such as B-CRP, Lycopene, Coix Lacyrma Jobi Seed Extract and Soybean Isoflavone, it provides you with improved and unparalleled skin whitening, anti-aging and health benefits.
Its double skin whitening action actively controls melanin production to prevent skin darkening while lightening your current complexion. Together with its powerful anti-aging ingredients, say goodbye to wrinkles and fine lines and hello to a youthful glow! Reveal your inner beauty as it removes harmful toxins inside the body to make you healthier and more active. No other brands can give you the change to be glamorous and experience complete pampering in just one skin whitening supplement but Glutawhite Gold! See the difference in as fast as 10 days!
Active Ingredients:
Placental Protein, Collagen, Glutathione, asupara gaba extract, Vitamin C, Glycine, Coix Lacryma, Jobi seed extract, Soybean Isoflavones, lycopene, B-Crp

For ORDERS AND INQUIRIES text or call 09161141647 or email at


T A D (TAD) Injectible Glutathione
by Biomedica Foscama ITALY
646mg per vial / 10 vials per box

Same if not better than Tationil
more glutathione content ... A MUST TRY

• Strong antioxidant to remove excess free radicals that will cause abnormal function of brain and organs.
• Treats neurodegenerative symptoms such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, stroke, irritate bowel and chronic fatigue.
• Reconstitutes the function of vitamin C and E especially taken along with Vitamin C injection.
• Greatly reduces acne/blemish/pimple
• Long term treatment for smokers and drinkers.

It is an important chemical that acts as a powerful antioxidant to prevent and protect the brain and other body tissues by protecting them from the damage of free radicals. It also acts to recycle Vitamin C & E that essential for controlling free radicals.

Supplement Facts:

Seving Size 646mg GLUTATHIONE POWDER with 4ml Saline Water
Servings per container 10 ampoules of each kind per box

For skin whitening sessions should be twice a week or every 3 days. For faster whitening result, 1200mg per session.

For ORDERS AND INQUIRIES text or call 09161141647 or email at

GEROVITAL H3 Injectible "The Fountain of Youth"


Users say loose, flaccid skin tightens... unwanted body flab melts away... their bodies regain youthful tone and vigor. At last you can fight the spectre of advancing age and creeping body slowdown. You don’t have to age prematurely. You don’t have to lose potency. Want to look in your mirror with pride? Then you positively should try Gerovital, the most advanced ant-aging formulation you can get. It’s safe, it’s powerful, it’s effective

Gerovital is an anti-depressant with a cortisol-inhibiting effect that provides a whole host of revitalising properties
This famous and original anti-aging drug, discovered by Professor Ana Aslan of Bucharest, consists of primarily procaine (the familiar dental anaesthetic) stabilized with small amounts of benzoic acid, potassium metabisulfate and disodium phosphate.
The active ingredient, procaine hydrochloride, breaks down in the bloodstream into two bionutrients that naturally occur in the body but become deficient as we age; para-Aminobenzoic Acid (PABA) and diethylaminoethanol (DEAE).
PABA favorably affects glands, hair, intestines, blood cell formation, protein metabolism and all function of the skin. PABA also stimulates manufacture of other essential vitamins, such as B1, K, folic acid and pantothenic acid. DEAE is a building block of two body substances important to the central nervous system; choline and are acetylcholine. Both are parts of the body's stress reaction system and are important in memory functions. DEAE has been proven to produce mental stimulation, mild euphoria and has a positive effect on mood states.

Procaine hydrochloride 0.1000g, Benzoic acid 0.0060g, Potassium metabisulfite 0.0050g, Disodium phosphate 0.0005g. Manufactured and sealed in Romania with authenticity markings.

For ORDERS AND INQUIRIES text or call 09161141647 or email at


The New Ishigaki L-Glutathione Advanced Ultrawhite Amino Acid Proprietary Blend Formula

L-Glutathione nutrionally supports immune function. Effective anti-cancer supplement. Highly potent free radical scavenger. Enhances actions of Vitamin C. Supports Liver Health. Continuous usage may make your skin smooth and fairer.

Free Form Reduced Glutathione for increased cellular absorption and action

Physician quality immune and detoxification supplement

Benefits of L-Glutathione:

* Nutritionally supports immune function
* Effective Anti-cancer supplement
* Highly Potent Free Radical Scavenger
* Major role assisting detoxification
* Enhances actions of Vitamin C
* Supports liver health
* Continuous usage may make your skin smooth and fairer.

Serving Size 1000milligrams
Servings Per Container 60 capsules

(L-Glutathione Tri-peptide)

L-Glutamic Acid 200mg.
L-Glycine 200mg.
L-Cysteine 200mg.

(L-Glutathione Booster)
N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine 200mg.
Alpha Lipoic Acid 50mg
L- Methionine 100mg.
Ascorbic Acid 50mg.

Other Ingredients:
Kosher gelatin (capsule), cellulose and magnesium stearate


For ORDERS AND INQUIRIES text or call 09161141647 or email at




The new packaging is BIGGER AND BULKY. It also changes it's name as " CREAM DALFOR".

The new packaging is more BULKY AND CONTAINS MORE OF THE BEAUTY CREAM. It contains 1/4 more of it's original content....


St. Dalfour Cream Original is an effective whitening cream and gives you a luxurious complexion enhancing cream that brightens your skin safely and naturally without the Harmful Ingredients with No Bleach and No Hydroquinone.

CONTAINS: Red oil, vit. E, Sunblock & Moisturizer

St. Dalfour Cream is effective against:
* Freckles
* Old pimple scars
* Yellow spotted skin
* Black Heads
* Wrinkles
* Allergy/ies
* Melasma
* Skin blemishes
* And other skin impurities.

NOTE: PLEASE HAVE A SENSITIVITY TEST FIRST BEFORE APPLYING THIS PRODUCT/S TO YOUR SKIN. (The seller of this product is not familiar with buyer’s skin type, condition, skin history, or sensitivity. Seller is not liable for negativeresults that may be obtained by improper use of this product.

For ORDERS AND INQUIRIES text or call 09161141647 or email at


600mg Glutathione Powder with 4ml Saline Water/ 10 ampoules of each kind

~ flawless white skin that stands out ~


TATIONIL is a pure injectable GLUTATHIONE with 600mg dosage. It is dissolved with 4ml of distilled water and is directly injected either by intravenous or intramuscular route. Manufactured by Roche from Italy.

Many cosmetic dermatologists had been using the product due to its other effect whitening the skin. We assure you of the seal of the originality of TATIONIL, which has a seal at the back of the box. This is a safety feature in order to detect other counterfeit products.

Tationil Glutathione is a strong antioxidant to remove excess free radicals that cause abnormal function of brain and organs.

Benefits of Tationil?

1.) Makes your skin flawless.
2.) Improves pigmentation of the skin such as melasma, scars, improper chemical peel and post chicken pox.
3.) It helps the skin look smoother and achieve even color.
4.) It is an anti-oxidant and enhances liver function.
5.) It also helps prevent diseases of the eye such as disorder of eyeball tissues, cornea, cataract, and optic nerve.

Supplement Facts:
Seving Size 600mg GLUTATHIONE POWDER with 4ml Saline Water
Servings per container 10 ampoules of each kind per box

For skin whitening sessions should be twice a week or every 3 days. For faster whitening result, 1200mg per session.

Manufactured by:
Teofarma S.p.A.

Piazza Durante, 11 - 20131 Milano

For ORDERS AND INQUIRIES text or call 09161141647 or email at


1 kit is good for 4-6 weeks!
It eliminates: Pimples, acne, pigmentation, discoloration, oily face, old skin/ open pores, black/ white heads & wrinkles. It will firm your skin and has natural pink effect that you no longer need to apply blush on and powder.

Our product is very good for skin irregularities like:
Oily face
Black and White heads
Old skin/ Open pores

Night time:
1. Cleanse face & neck with clarifying lotion using facial cotton.
2. Wash face with Kojic Soap. Rinse thoroughly.
3. Apply medicated astringent with an upward stroke using facial cotton.
4. Put generous amount of peeling cream.*
5. After 30 mins., apply beaching cream in circular motion. Let it stay overnight.

Day time:
1. Rub face with ice, this closes & tightens pores.
2. Wash face with kojic soap.
3. Spread on face an ample amount of Placenta. This is a sunblock, anti-aging cream & moisturizer. If needed, apply your own moisturizer before Placenta.

*You may or may not experience slight peeling (nothing like the commercial astringents), it depends on your skin's moisture content. Don't worry, its not obvious. Tip: Put moisturizer under the Placenta and the peeling will be gone!

The whitening cream is exactly the one Belo is using. :)
All others are made of premium formulas!

Disclaimer: This product is not connected with Obagi or any other brands.

The Local Obagi includes:

Beauty Bar Soap
It cleanses skin and helps eliminate pimples, skin pigmentation, white heads and black heads. It restores the skin’s elasticity and suppleness when it is exposed to wind, UV rays or high temperatures.
Ingredients: Mixed Fruit Extracts, Virgin Coconut Oil, Sodium Lactate, Essential Oils

Clarifying Lotion
Is a deep cleansing agent. It has Vit. A and has tightening effect on your face. It tightens pores, leaving skin smoother, firmer, and more finely-textured restoring the vitality of the skin.
Ingredients: Tretinoin, Vit. A & C, Natural Extracts in Hydro-alcohol Base

Skin Toner
It cleanses face with all kinds of surface dirt collected during the day. Toners can neutralize any remaining traces of a cleansing lotion. Helps stimulate the skin after cleansing and help maintain a protective acidic coating on the skin, which is a natural combatant to germs such as bacteria.
Ingredients: Natural Extracts in Hydro Alcohol Base

Age Eraser Cream
Gives a natural pink glow effect on your face, makes you look younger, healthier and fresher. Contains SPF 35 which protects the skin from harmful UV rays of the sun.
Ingredients: Parsol, Placentol, Collagen, Milk Lactates, Titanium Dioxide

Exfoliating Cream (peeling cream)
Completely eliminates blemishes, reduces age spots, rashes and irritation. It peels off old skin and rejuvenates face.
Ingredients: Stearyl Alcohol, Propylene Glycol

Rejuvenating Cream
Improves the skin’s ability to remain young and glowing with natural moisture. It does not only eliminate excess pools of pigment, it also prevents unwanted skin color (melanin) from being formed in the first place.
Ingredients: Vitamin A & C, Milk Lactates, Tocopherol Acetate (Vit. E), Petrolatum, Stearyl-cethyl Alcohol

Initial Reactions during the first week of application:

-Redness of face
-Stinging sensation
-Tightening of skin

Do not prick your pimples, white heads, & black heads, for it will come out & eventually heal.

Stability: The change of color of the product doesn’t affect its efficacy. It had undergone through aging process, and still safe to use.

local obagi 1 - for improvement of skin complexion. for those who wants to have healthy glowing skin.
local obagi 2 - good for acne prone skin, oily skin, with pigmentation, Discoloration, prevents, black and White heads

For orders and inquiries call or text 09161141647 or email at


Laennec Injectible Human Placenta From: Japan
LAENNEC PLACENTA by Japan Bio Products (JBP) Co.
10 ampules of 2ml per tray

Detailed Product Description:

The Most Effective Whitening , Anti Aging for glowing and Flawless Skin. There's is no other than Human Placenta extract for skin rejuvenation to cancer and even other ailments. Results are Fantastic and guaranteed.

Human Placenta Extract - is a very safe and effective treatment for a variety of ailments as well as being quite useful in an anti-aging program. We would also like to emphasize that the Japanese Ministry of Health and Labor has acknowledged human placenta treatment as safe and effective with no serious side effects. The list of potential treatments is quite impressive with patients of skin conditions, menopause, andropause (male menopause), anti-aging (youthful rejuvenation), liver problems, cardiovascular problems, asthma, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, depression, Meniere`s disease,tinnitus, and vertigo all benefiting from this intensive treatment. In addition Hormone Balancing, Good Blood Circulation ,Anti Bodies ,Collagen productivity, Hay fever, Allergy, Psoriasis and Acne.

Must be administered by a licensed physician three times a week for 1 month, Total of 24 vials to be used for optimal results.

For ORDERS AND INQUIRIES text or call 09161141647 or email at


600mg Reduced Glutathione / 10 ampoules

Longing for Fairer or Whiter skin? Do you want to solve your pimple or acne problems and even marks and pigmentations? Do you want to look and feel younger? Reverse aging?

~ Use SALUTA Injectible Glutathione ~

RECOMMENDED now by dermas ( Brand use by Calayan and a lot of doctors because of its faster whitening effect! EVEN better if with LAROSCORBINE VITAMIN C injectables! have a whiter, glowing and acne-free skin. Result Guaranteed!!!!

Faster whitening effect than TATIONIL ROCHE ITALY... if you have tried tationil and your not that satisfied then YOU SHOULD TRY SALUTA.


What is Glutathione?

Glutathione in increased dose posts a remarkable good 'side effect' such as SKIN WHITENING". The greater the exposure to toxins, the faster the body uses up its supply glutathione. Without the protection of Glutathione, cells die at a faster rate, making people age quicker & putting them at risk for toxin induced diseases including cancer.

Why is Reduced Glutathions A better form compared to the UNREDUCED form?

Reduced Glutathione: glutathione acts as one of the major detoxifiers in the body, but it must be in the reduced form to work properly. Sometimes glutathione will be listed on the label of a product, however it wont be specifically listed as being reduced. The unreduced form is much cheaper and isn't metabolically active. Riboflavin, niacinamide, selenium, lipoic acid and glutathione reductase are all essential cofactors for generating reduced glutathione. Once the cysteine moieties become oxidized, they combine to form cystine. Cystine taken by itself is poorly absorbed.

Supplement Facts:
Servings per container 10 ampoules per box

For skin whitening sessions should be twice a week or every 3 days. For faster whitening result, 1200mg per session.

Made by: Manufactured by:
Asiapharm (Singapore) PTE Ltd.

Certified authentic, or get your money back!. Guaranteed new and fresh from Asia Pharm.

For ORDERS AND INQUIRIES text or call 09161141647 or email at


Restore Your Beauty! Celebrity Secret Was Reveal!


1 kit is good for 4-6 weeks!

It eliminates: Pimples, acne, pigmentation, discoloration, oily face, old skin/ open pores, black/ white heads & wrinkles. It will firm your skin and has natural pink effect that you no longer need to apply blush on and powder.

Our product is very good for skin irregularities like:
Oily face
Black and White heads
Old skin/ Open pores

Night time:
1. Cleanse face & neck with clarifying lotion using facial cotton.
2. Wash face with Kojic Soap. Rinse thoroughly.
3. Apply medicated astringent with an upward stroke using facial cotton.
4. Put generous amount of peeling cream.*
5. After 30 mins., apply beaching cream in circular motion. Let it stay overnight.

Day time:
1. Rub face with ice, this closes & tightens pores.
2. Wash face with kojic soap.
3. Spread on face an ample amount of Placenta. This is a sunblock, anti-aging cream & moisturizer. If needed, apply your own moisturizer before Placenta.

*You may or may not experience slight peeling (nothing like the commercial astringents), it depends on your skin's moisture content. Don't worry, its not obvious. Tip: Put moisturizer under the Placenta and the peeling will be gone!

The whitening cream is exactly the one Belo is using. :)
All others are made of premium formulas!

Disclaimer: This product is not connected with Obagi or any other brands.

The Local Obagi includes:

Beauty Bar Soap
It cleanses skin and helps eliminate pimples, skin pigmentation, white heads and black heads. It restores the skin’s elasticity and suppleness when it is exposed to wind, UV rays or high temperatures.
Ingredients: Mixed Fruit Extracts, Virgin Coconut Oil, Sodium Lactate, Essential Oils

Clarifying Lotion
Is a deep cleansing agent. It has Vit. A and has tightening effect on your face. It tightens pores, leaving skin smoother, firmer, and more finely-textured restoring the vitality of the skin.
Ingredients: Tretinoin, Vit. A & C, Natural Extracts in Hydro-alcohol Base

Skin Toner
It cleanses face with all kinds of surface dirt collected during the day. Toners can neutralize any remaining traces of a cleansing lotion. Helps stimulate the skin after cleansing and help maintain a protective acidic coating on the skin, which is a natural combatant to germs such as bacteria.
Ingredients: Natural Extracts in Hydro Alcohol Base

Age Eraser Cream
Gives a natural pink glow effect on your face, makes you look younger, healthier and fresher. Contains SPF 35 which protects the skin from harmful UV rays of the sun.
Ingredients: Parsol, Placentol, Collagen, Milk Lactates, Titanium Dioxide

Exfoliating Cream (peeling cream)
Completely eliminates blemishes, reduces age spots, rashes and irritation. It peels off old skin and rejuvenates face.
Ingredients: Stearyl Alcohol, Propylene Glycol

Rejuvenating Cream
Improves the skin’s ability to remain young and glowing with natural moisture. It does not only eliminate excess pools of pigment, it also prevents unwanted skin color (melanin) from being formed in the first place.
Ingredients: Vitamin A & C, Milk Lactates, Tocopherol Acetate (Vit. E), Petrolatum, Stearyl-cethyl Alcohol

Initial Reactions during the first week of application:
-Redness of face
-Stinging sensation
-Tightening of skin

Do not prick your pimples, white heads, & black heads, for it will come out & eventually heal.

Stability: The change of color of the product doesn’t affect its efficacy. It had undergone through aging process, and still safe to use.

local obagi 1 - for improvement of skin complexion. for those who wants to have healthy glowing skin.
local obagi 2 - good for acne prone skin, oily skin, with pigmentation, Discoloration, prevents, black and White heads

For orders and inquiries call or text 09161141647 or email at